Lush Green Patio Ideas – Warm & Inviting Inspiration for Inside and Outside Patios

Whether you have a small quaint deck or an open space patio, it’s time to start thinking about how you want it to look this Summer.

I personally love a warm, inviting space with greenery and soft cushions for people to easily feel comfortable and to stay awhile to hang out.

Redesign your patio by adding:

  • Warmth – wood tones, different textures, lighting, candles, hanging lanterns, fire pit, greenery, curtains, and blankets.
  • Color – cushions, pillows, rugs, wall items, and patio accessories.
  • Personality – personal decor, furniture style, tables, and unique accent pieces (ex magazines and games for entertainment).

Here I’ve pulled some of my favorite patio ideas and inspirations that have plants and welcoming designs to make any backyard a place you want to spend a ton of time in.

Use these as inspiration to add your own warmth, color, and personality to your patio space.







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